Credit for High School Level Courses Taken Before High School
Inglewood Middle School, January 2021
SV = short version
LV = long version
High School Credit at Middle School (SV)
There has been a change in State law regarding high school credit. Students in high school courses while at IMS will automatically have their grades recorded on their transcript at the high school level. Parents/students may request that these grades/credits be removed from the transcript prior to the end of their 11th grade year. This change starts with this year’s 7th and 8th grade students.
High School Credit at Middle School (LV)
Starting this year, middle school students who complete a high school level course, with a passing grade, while in 7th or 8th grade will automatically be given high school credit. The credit will be applied to fulfilling high school graduation requirements and will be recorded on the student’s high school transcript. A student/family may request that the grade/credit be removed from the high school transcript.
High school level courses taken in middle school are those that exceed the requirements for seventh and eighth grade classes. They qualify for high school credit because they are equivalent to a course offered at a high school in the district.
• High school level math courses in district middle schools include Algebra I and Geometry.
• High school level world language courses in district middle schools include World Language I taken in 8th grade (for example, Spanish I, French I, Japanese I, etc.).
A student and the student's parent or guardian can inform their high school before the end of the 11th grade if they do not want credit for these courses on the high school transcript, or if they want credit transcribed with a grade of “P/Pass” rather than an A-D letter grade. A grade of “P/Pass” is not included in the student’s high school grade point average calculation.
These changes are a result of House Bill 1599 (HB1599) which was recently passed by the Washington State Legislature. Prior to HB1599, students who took high school level courses in middle school had to request to have the credit for the course added to the high school transcript.
A request form to remove the course or grade from the transcript will be available to you and your child once he or she enters high school or by visiting the forms library in the “ABOUT US” section of our website ( Request forms should be submitted to your high school counseling office. High school counselors will also be able to answer questions about the process.