Information about Counselors at Inglewood
Counselors at Inglewood are available to support students with academic achievement, assist with post high school/career planning, and help with personal and social development. Students are able to stop by the counseling office any time to sign up to meet with their counselor. A few typical reasons that a student may meet with their counselor include:
- Discuss and validate difficult emotions they are experiencing and learn new coping skills
- Need assistance with a plan to improve their grades
- Have a question or need assistance with their class schedule
- Need help with a personal problem or are having a friendship challenge
- Experience harassment or bullying- toward themselves or others (we have strict confidentiality protocols when students are reporting an issue of this nature)
- Need financial assistance for school related items
- Have any type of question or are facing an issue
- Want to say hello and get acquainted.
Parents may want to contact the counselor when they:
Want assistance with educational planning
Correct academic level placement, extra interventions and support
Want to discuss academic concerns across multiple classes
If only 1 or 2 classes are affected, contact the specific teachers directly
Need financial assistance
Free/reduced lunch, school supplies and fees, sports fees, College Bound scholarships
Have difficulties at home that may affect student learning
For example: death, divorce, change in living situation or finances
Need referrals for community resources
For example: child/family counseling, drug/alcohol counseling, tutoring services.
Incoming 5th Grade
5th Grade Parent Night, Registration Presentations, and course catalog as well as other information is available on the Academics Page.
Contact our Team
Counselors Responsibilities:
All Students Last Names A-E
6th Grade Lead
FOR STUDENTS ONLY: Schedule an Appointment
All Students Last Names F-Le
Department Chair
FOR STUDENTS ONLY: Schedule an Appointment
All Students Last Names Li-R
8th Grade Lead
FOR STUDENTS ONLY: Schedule an Appointment
All Students Last Names S-Z
7th Grade Lead
FOR STUDENTS ONLY: Schedule an Appointment
School Psychologist
YES (Youth Eastside Services) Counselor
Registrar/Counseling Secretary