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Crosswalk Safety

Crossing Guards expected on duty 7:30-7:50am and 2:20-2:30pm

Inglewood Middle School is an Idle-free Zone

Image of an Idle-free Zone sign

Please note that Inglewood Middle School property is an Idle-free zone - we want to keep our students and staff healthy. Please turn your engine off while you are waiting for your student.

Why avoid idling? (And what is it?)

Idling is running your engine when you're not driving, such as waiting to pick up a family member, warming up a car in a driveway, or sitting at a drive-thru (coffee stand, fast-food or bank). ​​

  • Idling causes local air pollution, which is especially harmful to young, developing lungs
  • It emits greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change
  • It wastes money - "idling gets you nowhere!"
  • Leaving your car idling can damage your engine
  • Contrary to common belief, it's actually better for your engine to turn it off and on again rather than idling, if you'll be waiting for more than 10 seconds. 


Perhaps the greatest responsibility for school pedestrian safety lies with the individual driver. Pedestrians have the right-of-way in a crosswalk, marked or not, and the driver must stop to allow pedestrians to cross. Motorists must exercise extreme caution in school zones and along the route to school.

Morning Drop-off Process

Every day, roughly 800 students ride the bus to school and about 450 students walk or are dropped off by a parent/guardian. The Administrative Team put together a short (2min39sec) VIDEO to help with traffic flow and keep our students safe.

Please remind your students that they need to walk their bicycles, skateboards, and one-wheels on campus. 

Please click below to view a video of the morning drop-off process for students who arrive by car at Inglewood Middle School.

Our stars are Mr. Irvine (Dad), Mr. Brown (Son) and Mr. Engledew (as himself).


A student’s personal responsibility for his or her own safety as a pedestrian or bicyclist cannot be over-emphasized. The child must understand and follow the instructions given for walking and biking to and from school. Children develop life-saving pedestrian and bicycle skills and awareness through practice under the supervision of educated adults who model safe pedestrian and bicycle behaviors

Traffic Info

Why do I need to pull forward?
Have you ever been stuck trying to turn into the parking lot at Inglewood? Get frustrated when your light is green and there is no room for your car to go? Wonder why this happens day after day?

Here’s your answer: our traffic problem is the result of a “caterpillar effect”. What happens is that a motorist does not pull all the way forward in the drive through circle. This delays the cars behind them from entering the traffic circle and then cars are not able to enter from NE 8th Street. This goes on car after car causing an eventual traffic jam all the way down to 228th.

Tips & Tricks

  • Do not use your cell phone in the pick-up and drop-off zone.
  • If the driver needs to leave the vehicle, please use the main parking lot and park in a parking space.
  • DO NOT drop off at the end of the sidewalk (entrance to main parking lot)
  • Have your student ready to exit the vehicle once you come to a stop. The less time it takes to get out, the better the traffic will be.
  • Let your student use a different mode of transportation if possible (walking, biking, etc.). It will save you time and increase their exercise.
  • Be aware that if your student’s backpack is really heavy, it may be time to clean it out! School required supplies weigh less than 10 pounds.
  • No parent vehicles are allowed in the bus drop off loop at any time.